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Tutorial: How to Use SushiXSwap, Sushi's Cross-Chain Swap

A step-by-step guide on how to do a cross-chain swap on Sushi.

Fact is...if you can do a swap, you can do a cross-chain swap. We're showing this to prove how easy SushiXSwap, our cross-chain swap, is to use!

Step 1:
Go to Sushi's Cross-Chain Swap or access it via the toggle on https://www.sushi.com/swap.

Step 2:
On the Cross-Chain Swap page, choose:

Source Chain: The blockchain you're sending from.
Destination Chain: The blockchain you're sending to.
Tokens: Pick the tokens you're swapping, e.g., ETH to SUSHI.

Step 3:
If prompted, switch your blockchain network. For example, we’re switching to Base from Ethereum here.

Step 4:
Click "Approve" for the tokens you're trading. Follow your wallet's prompts to finish the approval. Note: There may be a gas fee.

Step 5:
Check all details, then hit the "Swap" button. Confirm any summaries or fees, and finalize the transaction in your wallet.

Step 6:
Wait for the swap to complete. Once done, the new tokens will appear in your wallet on the destination chain.

Cross-chain swapping on Sushi is as simple as a regular swap! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on Discord or Twitter. Get started now.

Happy Swapping!

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