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📰 Sushi July Recap

All of the major milestones of the month summarized in a single post!


Welcome To The Sushi Monthly Recap! 🗞

This post will outline some of the major operational, technical, and community milestones reached in the past month. We've summarized all articles and announcements as well as some of the exciting things to come. Without further ado, let's dive into the highlights!

Sushi V3 Now Live On 1inch


Sushi V3 is now live on 1inch! LP into concentrated liquidity pools today and earn even more swap fees on the Sushi app, with a little help from our friends at 1inch!

📈 You can begin earning fees on Sushi V3 concentrated liquidity by visiting here

Automated Concentrated Liquidity On Gamma

Gamma LPs rejoice! Gamma is now officially live on Sushi, allowing for Gamma LPs to enjoy Sushi V3 concentrated liquidity and receive $SUSHI yields on both Polygon and Arbitrum! They’ve integrated Angle Protocol’s Merkl as well, allowing for simple $SUSHI reward distribution.

👀 You can take a look at the Gamma dashboard here

We Need YOU: UX Research Participants


🛠️ Who’s looking for some work? We are looking for Sushi users to test and give their honest opinions on our concentrated liquidity usability. We listen to each and every one of our user’s input, and with your help we can work to make the Sushi UX as easy-to-use and intuitive as possible!

🖥️ You can take the survey at this link (desktop only): https://t.maze.co/180237796

A massive thank you to everyone who has participated so far!

Governance Snapshots

⚡️ Strategic Cooperation With DWF Labs [PROPOSAL]

Forum With DWF Labs

🗣 In case you missed it, we hosted the market makers over at DWF Labs on the Sushi Forum earlier this month to talk about their recent proposal!

🔊 The full recording can be streamed here

Interchain Sushi?!


Axelar’s new Interchain Token Service features $SUSHI as one of the first projects to deploy Interchain Tokens! Try out the new $tSUSHI, which is now supported on ten networks!

🍣 Get your first taste of $tSUSHI here

📚 A step-by-step tutorial can be found here

The Yield Keeps Coming

👩‍🌾 Last but most certainly not least, concentrated liquidity pools are really beginning to heat up across the board…

👨‍🌾 Check them out for yourself here!


That’s it for us this month folks! We look forward to seeing you all next month as we continue to serve up the latest news for all things Sushi! 👋

Sushi is building a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem! Follow our socials to keep up with our product launches and find out more on how you can make the most of your cryptocurrency assets with Sushi’s secure and powerful DeFi tools!

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