If you have held a farming position on Harmony over the last year you may find yourself having issue with withdrawing your liquidity or harvesting rewards. This is likely due to the fact that you are owed farming rewards and they cannot be paid out due to the insolvent Sushi rewards. These insolvent rewards are due to the Harmony Horizon Bridge being hacked back in July of 2022. Sushi tokens that were bridged through it were unfortunately compromised. While Sushi cannot be recovered, your liquidity can be withdrawn and owed wOne tokens can still be claimed.
You will have to go through our backup UI https://deprecated.sushi.com/ and unstake your position from there. When you unstake your SLP tokens, the wOne you have earned will automatically be claimed with your transaction.
For those who are more technically inclined, you can also unstake from the MiniChef contract on the Harmony block explorer by going to the 'Write' tab, connecting your wallet, and scrolling down to function #13 'withdraw.'

For those wishing to use the block explorer, you will be required to know the amount of how many tokens you wish to withdraw and the PID of the SLP pair you are withdrawing.
The amount of tokens you are withdrawing will need to be expressed into uint256 format, which means that there is no decimal point and the number is in units of wei (As an example 0.25 ETH would be input as 250000000000000000).
To find the PID of your SLP pair, inspect your deposit transaction on the Harmony block explorer and scroll down to the 'Input' section. There you will be able to pull it out of the string provided there. When you have all the proper information input, you will be able to click on 'Write' below the fields to trigger a transaction.
If any of the information you have input is incorrect you will be able to tell because you will receive an overly inflated gas cost to execute the transaction. If you see this, cancel your transaction and double check your numbers. You will likely find using the backup UI to be much easier.

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