For Beginners

What Is A Multisig?

Learn about Multisigs and their uses within the Sushi ecosystem

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Multisig wallets are wallets that require a defined amount of different signatures to execute a transaction. The most frequently used multisig on the Ethereum network is the Gnosis-safe multisig; it is a smart contract wallet.

During the creation of the wallet, the user needs to define all the other addresses/wallets that will be a co-owner of the multisig as well as the signature threshold to execute a transaction.

For example, if you have five signers, you can define that all transactions will be executed if three out of the five signatures have been signed.

A multisig allows the user to share a wallet and uphold treasury security between multiple users/team members thus reducing security vulnerabilities.

Current Multisig Signers

For Sushi, the personnel currently managing the multisig are:

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