For Beginners

How to trade Reddit's $MOON tokens?

Learn about $MOON tokens and how to buy them on Sushi

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Become a crypto chef with SushiSwap! Sushi is one of the most used and reliable decentralized exchanges, deployed across 10+ blockchains and supporting thousands of tokens. You can trade, earn, stack yields and safely move assets across chains, all on one decentralized, community-driven platform.

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đź’ˇ What is MOON?!

MOON is an ERC-20 token on Arbitrum Nova that r/Cryptocurrency Reddit admins launched in May 2020 under the Community Points Project for users' contributions to r/CryptoCurrency. They serve as a reward and a unit of ownership in the subreddit. Moons are independent of Reddit and managed by audited smart contracts that handle all functions such as balances, transfers, and distribution/claiming.

What makes MOON unique?

  1. Real rewards for the community: Moons are distributed in a fair manner based on users' karma points earned through contributions to r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. They can be used to unlock features such as banner renting, tipping, and purchasing special memberships.
  2. Community empowerment: Moons allow users to vote on governance polls that influence how the community is governed and how Moons are distributed.
  3. Proof of reputation: Moons are a proof of reputation and contribution in the r/CryptoCurrency community. Users earn more Moons for their contributions, resulting in more influence in the community.
  4. Burn mechanism: Moons can be permanently burned in two ways: when users purchase premium membership or redeem them for Reddit coins. If purchased with Moons, they are sent directly to the burn address, while if purchased with cash, the admins burn Moons from the Community Tank on the user's behalf. New methods of burning Moons may be implemented in the future.

📖 You can visit the Moons Wiki Page for more information

đź’°How to buy $MOON on SushiSwap:

  1. Get the Metamask (or any other wallet of your choice) wallet browser extension at
  2. Buy ETH at any fiat-token gateway, and send ETH to your Metamask.
  3. Head over to to bridge your ETH from Mainnet to Arbitrum Nova.
    Schermafbeelding 2023-03-05 om 4.53.39 PM.png
  4. If your Metamask doesn’t show Arbitrum Nova yet, head over to and connect your wallet.
    Schermafbeelding 2023-03-05 om 4.53.45 PM.png
  5. Head over to Sushi to swap from $ETH to $MOON
    MOON 1 (1).gif
  6. Click on “swap” and confirm the transaction in your Metamask Wallet. You may also be asked to sign a Bentobox transaction if this is your first time to purchase $MOON with $ETH.
    MOON 2.gif
  7. Add $MOON token to Metamask by selecting import token and entering the $MOON Arbitrum Nova contact: 0x0057ac2d777797d31cd3f8f13bf5e927571d6ad0
    Moon 3.gif
  8. Copy your vault address from Reddit app account settings.
    5 sushi moon swap - copy address.jpg
  9. Open your Metamask and send tokens to your vault.
    6 sushi moon swap - send tokens to vault.jpg
  10. You should see your tokens in the vault now!
    7 sushi moon swap - received in vault.jpg

💸 Bonus 1: Learn how you can earn a portion of the trading fees by becoming a Liquidity Provider in this tutorial.

đź’ˇ Bonus 2: Buy r/CryptoCurrency Special Membership with $MOON
Simply go to and use your new $MOON tokens to enable your Membership!

🤝 How to sell your $MOON to ETH or Stablecoins

  1. Install Metamask -
  2. Transfer your $MOON from the Reddit vault to your wallet, by copying your seed phrase into Metamask.
  • DO NOT share this phrase with anyone! These words can be used to steal all your accounts. You can't edit or change your secret recovery phrase.
  1. Search for Arbitrum Nova on and add it to your list of Metamask networks.

  2. Head over to Sushi to trade your tokens.

  3. Confirm your swap - that’s it!

đź’¬ Still have questions?

Hit us up on Discord or on Twitter.

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